Mice are natures ‘busy-bodies’ and they scuttle around being very inquisitive. Mice make brilliant pets, they do not need much space and are very inexpensive to keep. A mouse will sit in your hand and generally explore its surroundings.
Predator Advice
How To Get Rid of Mice
Fall and winter are prime time for rodents trying to make their way into the warmth of your home and garage. Rodent-proofing your home, is perhaps the most effective way to stop mice infestations.
Defend Your Home
Defend your home from mice by eliminating points of entry and easy access. This can be difficult due to a mouse's ability to squeeze itself into even the smallest of openings (one-quarter of an inch or more).
Seal cracks in the foundation as well as openings in the walls where utility pipes and vents are located. Steel wool and caulking works best here. Avoid using plastic, rubber, wood or anything else mice can easily gnaw through as sealants. Get weather stripping for door and window gaps and make sure the sweep on your door creates a seal against the threshold when it's closed.
Guides & FAQs
Many people prefer using natural, non-lethal repellents to deter mice from taking up residence.
Peppermint oil can work for repelling or ridding an area of mice. You can use this indoors or outdoors. It's a natural product that is safe for humans and animals. Make sure that the peppermint oil you use is labeled as 100% pure. Simply put a few drops of the oil on some cotton balls. Leave the cotton balls in the areas where you know the mice are living.
Peppermint oil will dissipate quickly on the cotton balls, so you will need to replace it a couple of times a week.
For a ready-made mice repellent many of our customers use Expel Natural Mice Repellent. This effective product contains peppermint oil, garlic oil and cinnamon oil - ingredients that mice dislike intensely and keeps them moving to another location
If you home has become infested with mice, you will need to employ stronger tactics.
The best way to get rid of mice in an ongoing infestation is with mouse traps. Not only are they non-toxic, they kill the mouse instantly instead of poisoning it and letting it go into your walls to die, rot and smell. The classic wooden snap traps are best for light to moderate mouse populations. Use peanut butter or soft pungent cheese as bait.
Place the traps perpendicular to the walls, with the trigger section facing the baseboard. This causes the mouse to run directly into the bait as it naturally scurries along the walls, instead of running over the trap from the wrong direction, triggering it prematurely. Mice won't travel more than 10 or 20 feet from food sources and nesting areas (i.e., their territory), so place the traps anywhere you see mice or signs of mice, such as rodent droppings near baseboards and walls. Change trap locations every two days or so.
Sticky traps are about as inhumane as they get. The mouse runs onto it, sticks, and is terrified while its struggles to escape. It will either die slowly of dehydration or starvation.
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